Avalokitesvara Saves the World from Suffering


After a three-year hiatus, the International Buddhist Temple welcomes all with a new look. Among the most significant additions to its grounds are a grand statue of Guanyin or Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and an exquisite stele on the back of a dragon-headed tortoise, both located in the square approaching the temple entrance.

The 10.5-foot-high bronze Avalokitesvara statue is mounted on a 4.5-foot-tall stone pedestal with fine relief. At a fountain in front of it two lividly embossed fish spout gentle streams of colourful water. Before paying homage, visitors will take in the bodhisattva’s benevolent appearance and feel wondrously blessed, to help them eliminate worldly trouble in a freshly tranquil yet solemn environment.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is widely revered as the physical embodiment of compassion and universal salvation, whose karmic bond with us sentient beings in the saha world has been both profound and unique, praised among Chinese Buddhists by the saying, “Every family worships Guanyin, and every household venerates Amitabha”. The dragon-headed tortoise stele next to the statue records a holy miracle by the bodhisattva in saving a boatload of people from drowning near Vancouver’s shoreline some eighty years ago. Venerable Guan Cheng, the presiding monk of the temple, had this matching 11-foot-high stele purposely built for the site, and he personally penned a bilingual inscription that recounts for posterity the bodhisattva’s angelic deed in answering prayers with a very local Vancouver connection.

Following requests from believers in different parts of the world, the temple is now accepting donations dedicated to supporting this unique commemorative project. For more information, please contact the Incense Supply and Reception Office at the entrance, or send an email to TEMPLE@BUDDHISTTEMPLE.CA

We hereby give blessings to all visitors, wishing them good health, happiness, wisdom and joy in their pursuit of peace and enlightenment.

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