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Balancing Work And Leisure

On Vegetable Roots, a Zen classic containing maxims and aphorisms written by the late Ming philosopher Hong Yingming has this...

Enemies are bound to meet

It was snowing heavily in Vancouver yesterday. Because of the freezing weather, there were not many visitors coming to our...

Suffering of being together with the despised ones

The lay follower asked with anger: "We are family living together, aren’t we supposed to help and love each other?...

How to Improve Your Relationship

Last time I answered a lay follower’s question about why family and relatives have to endure resentments.  He asked, “I...

From the Ivory Tower to the Buddhist Hall

Albert Tang On the day of the refuges, the incense in the meditation hall lingered in the air. The ritual...

Tianlong Babu: The Eight Legions of Devas and Nagas

The Chinese designation Tianlong Babu (天龍八部) in Buddhist texts, literally, Heavenly Dragons in Eight Divisions, refers to a group of...

Lecture Notice for Venerable Guancheng

Life and death matter, as impermanence will strike soon

Once poet Chen Zi’ang of the Tang dynasty in Youzhou of northern China stood on the gold platform built by...

Master Muso’s Forbearance

The Zen master Muso Soseki once took a boat to cross a river. Shortly after the boat left the bank,...

Cultivate The Mind

What is the true meaning of life? Why are people born into the world? And why does one have to...
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